Marr Area Partnership

Community Ward Forums “ Why not come along?

Marr Area Partnership, a local independent community development organisation, runs quarterly community ward forums in the Mid-Deeside area. All local community groups, charities, churches, community halls, youth groups, parent councils, community councils and business associations are welcome to attend as well as agencies/service providers (eg. Grampian Police, NHS Grampian, Community Learning and Development, Aberdeenshire Council). The forums provide an opportunity for groups to discuss diverse local issues, get training that will help them to function better, and to network with people who can tackle problems and help them get community projects off the ground.

Over the last year some of the wide range of issues covered includes:

  • Local path developments and Walking to Health Groups
  • Training on using social media to get your message across/information out
  • Funding opportunities for community projects and training on doing successful grant applications
  • Youth projects and activities
  • Workshops on how community groups can function more effectively
  • Public health based initiatives.

The forums are very informal and friendly and representatives from the groups listed above, or similar, are welcome to attend. The forums are held in the evening at various village halls in the area, are FREE, light refreshments are provided and travel costs can be reimbursed. If you would like to find out more, or to be added to the email list to receive an invite to the next forum, please contact Natasha Pawlukiewicz on